
« Remember to be a little cracked to let the light in. » 

Michel Audiard

Portrait Mika Boudot Hauteur


Your story, my personal touch: expressing your DNA through high-quality photographic content to illustrate your projects via your Instagram account, communication materials, photo prints for your meeting rooms, tasting areas, cellar, ...

Photo reportage: Half-day to illustrate your activity (landscapes, architecture, portraits, lifestyle shots, details...).

Bottle packshots or ambiance photos: In-studio, in REIMS or BORDEAUX.

Customized image bank: Over one year = 4 to 8 photo reportages = 5000 photos produced = 300 selected: Over 12 months, I will come to photograph your activity in each season and at every stage of the process.

MY UNIVERSE? Meeting, listening, discovering, inspiring, creating.

For the past 15 years, I have become a photographer in the world of wine and the craftsmanship of excellence out of passion. I have had the opportunity to collaborate with numerous wineries and regional and international newspapers, and most importantly, to meet people who inspire me.

MY BELIEFS ? My roots are my strength.

Wonder and going back to the source. The stories of winemakers and artisans are unique! Each one has their own story. It's a job that requires patience and passion.


How to dare to create original and impactful content in an industry marked by timelessness? By playing with light: Whether natural or shaped, it brings contrast and beautifully defines shadows, revealing unexpected beauties.


In 100 years, we will likely have forgotten the gestures, craftsmanship, and the way we work today. Your photos will then serve as a marker of time and a bridge for future generations.